All World using Facebook to connect with peoples and for some other reasons. Facebook always tried their best to help them by launching new features. Now Facebook announced Say Thanks. With this you can create a video card for your friend on Facebook. You can say thanks to your old friend or current friend. And there is no limit for videos, you can create unlimited videos and share them with your friend.

How To Use It?

Now Question is that how to use it. So we make steps to let you know that how you can create a say thanks video. Follow these steps.

  • To create a Say Thanks Video Go To This Link. (Say Thanks)
  • 2. Now you can see your friend list. Select your friend and fb will create a preview of your video in right corner.
  •  You can also choose a theme below it depends on you.
  • Now you will see a list of photos and posts that represents your friendship with your friend and select them as your choice.
  • Now when you are satisfied then click on share video button in right corner and also type a message . The will posted on your and your friend's timeline and your will tagged in it.

Watch The Example Video Below.

Source: Newsroom

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